

浏览次数: 655次| 发布日期:12-29 13:46:31 | 七年级上同步辅导
标签:七年级上同步学习,初中语文学习,http://www.350xue.com 《皇帝的新装》英文版,

      "The boy is right! The Emperor is naked! It's true!"

      The Emperor realized that the people were right but could not admit to that. He though it better to continue the procession under the illusion that anyone who couldn't see his clothes was either stupid or incompetent. And he stood stiffly on his carriage, while behind him a page held his imaginary mantle.

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tag: 英文版   七年级上同步辅导,七年级上同步学习,初中语文学习,语文教学 - 初中语文 - 初中同步辅导 - 七年级上同步辅导