英语阅读资料 Whose Dog Was the Smartest
浏览次数: 362次| 发布日期:12-29 13:48:49 | 英语阅读
英语阅读资料 Whose Dog Was the Smartest,
英语阅读 Whose Dog Was the Smartest
Four friends were arguing over whose dog was the smartest. The first man, an engineer, called to his dog, "T Square, show your stuff. " The dog trotted over to a desk, pulled out a paper and pencil, and drew a perfect triangle.
The next guy, an accountant, called to his dog, "Slide Rule, go ahead. " The dog went to the kitchen, nibbled opened a bag of cookies and divided the contents into four equal piles.
The next man, a chemist, beckoned his dog, Beaker, to show what he could do. The dog went to the fridge, took out a quart of milk and poured out exactly eighty ounces into a measuring cup.
The last man was a government worker. "Coffee Break," he hollered to his dog, "go to it. " With that, the dog jumped to his feet, soiled the paper, ate the cookies and drank the milk.
(1) do (show) your stuff显显你的本领;露一手
(2) trot v. 疾走;快步走
(3) triangle n.三角形
(4) accountant n会计
(5) nibble v.轻咬
(6) beckon v.招手令他人走近或跟着来
(7) ounce n.盎司(重量单位,常衡为1/16磅)
(8) holler v.喊叫
(9) soil v.弄脏;弄污
① What were the four friends arguing about?
② What did the first man's dog do?
③ How many parts did the second man's dog divide the cookies into?
④ How much milk did the third man's dog pour into the measuring cup?
⑤ Can we find out whose dog was the smartest?
① They were arguing about whose dog was the smartest.
② He drew a perfect triangle.
③ Four.
④ Eight ounces.
⑤ The fourth man's dog was the smartest.
英语阅读资料 Whose Dog Was the Smartest
英语阅读 Whose Dog Was the Smartest
Four friends were arguing over whose dog was the smartest. The first man, an engineer, called to his dog, "T Square, show your stuff. " The dog trotted over to a desk, pulled out a paper and pencil, and drew a perfect triangle.
The next guy, an accountant, called to his dog, "Slide Rule, go ahead. " The dog went to the kitchen, nibbled opened a bag of cookies and divided the contents into four equal piles.
The next man, a chemist, beckoned his dog, Beaker, to show what he could do. The dog went to the fridge, took out a quart of milk and poured out exactly eighty ounces into a measuring cup.
The last man was a government worker. "Coffee Break," he hollered to his dog, "go to it. " With that, the dog jumped to his feet, soiled the paper, ate the cookies and drank the milk.
(1) do (show) your stuff显显你的本领;露一手
(2) trot v. 疾走;快步走
(3) triangle n.三角形
(4) accountant n会计
(5) nibble v.轻咬
(6) beckon v.招手令他人走近或跟着来
(7) ounce n.盎司(重量单位,常衡为1/16磅)
(8) holler v.喊叫
(9) soil v.弄脏;弄污
① What were the four friends arguing about?
② What did the first man's dog do?
③ How many parts did the second man's dog divide the cookies into?
④ How much milk did the third man's dog pour into the measuring cup?
⑤ Can we find out whose dog was the smartest?
① They were arguing about whose dog was the smartest.
② He drew a perfect triangle.
③ Four.
④ Eight ounces.
⑤ The fourth man's dog was the smartest.
英语阅读资料 Whose Dog Was the Smartest
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