九年级 U7 Maily Revision
浏览次数: 326次| 发布日期:06-12 13:10:47 | 九年级英语教案
九年级 U7 Maily Revision,
A.all the gold they could carry B.all the gold they wanted
C.all the gold he could give D.all the gold they could find
5.The second doctor adked the king to _______.
A.go and find a beggar B.wear the shoes of a beggar
C.look for the happiest man in the world D.wear the shoes of a man who was always happy(CABAD)
九年级 U7 Maily Revision由www.350xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.350xue.com
九年级 U7 Maily Revision
A.all the gold they could carry B.all the gold they wanted
C.all the gold he could give D.all the gold they could find
5.The second doctor adked the king to _______.
A.go and find a beggar B.wear the shoes of a beggar
C.look for the happiest man in the world D.wear the shoes of a man who was always happy(CABAD)
九年级 U7 Maily Revision由www.350xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.350xue.com
九年级 U7 Maily Revision
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