2. The sentences below summarise the article. Read them and decide if they are true or false. Write the letter “T” if the sentence is true. Write “F” if it is false, and then correct the error and give the right information.
1)There are only a few styles of music in the world.
2) Blues is a new style of music.
3)Hip-hop and rap are completely different from blues and rock.
4)Santana is a well-known Latin music artist.
5)Rappers sing the words to their music.
6)There are many Spanish-speaking people in both North and South America.
3. Discussion
Discuss the following in groups of 4.
1) Why is Latin music so popular in the US? Is it popular in China?(Give some background of Latin music—The cup of life by Ricky Martin)
2) Is music a universal language? Can you enjoy music from other parts of the world even if you don’t understand the words? Are there any other universal languages? What about dancing, paintings and photographs?
4. Demonstration
Have some students report the result to the rest of the students.
1. Read the article again and make a list of unknown words and expressions.
Write down the result of Discussion 2.新教材高一教案UNIT11(第3课时)由www.350xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.350xue.com
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