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小学英语阅读 英国饮食文化之早餐篇

浏览次数: 253次| 发布日期:12-29 13:45:11 | 英语阅读
标签:小学英语阅读100篇大全,小学英语阅读课教案,http://www.350xue.com 小学英语阅读 英国饮食文化之早餐篇,
            24EN Editor's Note:Today people in the UK eat a more varied diet than ever before. As well as the
regional diets of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland the many immigrant communities have
introduced their cuisines to the previously unadventurous Britons: Chinese, Greek, Indian, Italian, Thai,
American fast foods such as pizza, hamburgers and fried chicken have to some extent displaced the
traditional fast food of fish and chips. 今天,人们在英国吃了更多样化的饮食比以往任何时候。以及区域饮食的英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰,许多移民社区介绍了他们的菜以前unadventurous英国人:中国,希腊,印度,意大利,泰国,美国快餐食品,如比萨饼,汉堡包和炸鸡已在一定程度上取代传统的快餐店的炸鱼和薯条。 Because of the climate and the Germanic origins of many of its early people, the UK has been a traditionally
beer drinking rather than a wine drinking country. Nevertheless, in recent years, vineyards in the south of
England have proved successful. In the west of England the traditional drink is cider, rather than beer. Over
Britain as a whole, however, the traditional drink is tea. 由于气候和日耳曼起源及其早期的许多人,英国一直是传统上喝啤酒,而不是葡萄酒的饮用国。然而,近年来,葡萄园在英格兰南部的已证明是成功的。英格兰西部的传统饮料是苹果酒,而不是啤酒。英国作为一个整体,但是,传统的饮料是茶。 今天我们来详细介绍一下英国的早餐。
www.350xue.com      The most famous meal in Britain could be the traditional breakfast. What makes it so popular with British
people and visitors alike? 在英国最有名的一餐可能就要数早餐了。为什么它会这么受英国人和游客的喜爱呢? 英式早餐全餐(British Breakfast),比其他国家的正餐还要丰富,绝非只有牛角包配果酱咖啡的欧式早餐(Continental Breakfast)可比。这份早餐俗称the fry-up,因为里面多是煎炸的食物:香肠(sausage),腌肉(bacon),蘑菇(mushroom),番茄(tomato)。除此之外,还有土司(toast),英式烤饼(scone),茄汁焗豆(baked beans)等食物。 吃英式早餐,鸡蛋是不能少的。鸡蛋通常有四种烹调方法。 Fried 煎 英国人煎蛋,通常只煎一面,蛋黄生生的,俗称“太阳蛋”,也就是美国人口中的 sunny side up Scrambled 炒 Boiled 煮 是把鸡蛋连壳直接放进水里煮,熟透的叫做hard-boiled,半熟的叫做 soft-boiled Poached 炖 是把蛋去壳后用温水煮,煮出来的蛋内生外熟,形状不一。   英式早餐茶 Accounts of its origins vary. Drinking a blend of black teas for breakfast is indeed a longstanding British
custom. The practice of referring to such a blend as "English breakfast tea" appears to have originated
not in England but America, as far back as Colonial times. 英国人喝早餐茶的习惯事实上是英国长久以来的传统。只是“英国早餐茶”这一说法却不是从英国而来的,而是从殖民地时期从美国而来。 English Breakfast tea is a black tea blend usually described as full-bodied, robust, and/or rich, and
blended to go well with milk and sugar, in a style traditionally associated with a hearty English breakfast.
It is the most common style of tea in Britain. 英国早餐茶是由集中红茶以一定比例拼配而成,是一种口味醇厚,香味浓郁的饮品。适合搭配牛奶和糖。与多姿多彩的英式早餐相得益彰。是英国最常见的一种茶。

小学英语阅读 英国饮食文化之早餐篇

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