

浏览次数: 872次| 发布日期:12-29 13:48:49 | 初中英语语法
标签:初中英语语法大全,初中英语语法讲解,http://www.350xue.com 十大动词精讲:set,
 set vt., vi. set, setting

摆设;安放;设置 I set the flowers on the table. 我把花放在桌子上。

I set the table for dinner.我在桌上摆好餐具准备开饭。

使,致使 A spark set the woods on fire.一点火星使整座森林烧了起来。

I set fire to the paper.我点燃了纸。

"If he's set his mind on doing it, nothing will stop him.""他一旦下决心要做这事,什么也阻挡不住他。"


指定;指派;使从事 He set the man to chop wood.他让那人去伐木。

调整;安排 People used to set their watches by the radio.人们过去常根据收音机对表。

to set the clock调整钟表

The teacher set us a test.老师安排了我们一个测验。

The fastest runner set the pace and the others followed.



发动,启动 to set to work开始工作



The moon is setting.月亮正在落下。



set about开始做,着手处理

set aside宣告无效;驳回;废止 to set aside a verdict取消一项判决

set down放下,搁下;记下,记载,写下

How shall I set myself down in the hotel register?在旅馆的登记簿上,我应如何写自己的身份呢?

set in(疾病、坏天气或其他自然状况)开始并且(可 能)持续下去

set off出发,启程 (= set out;set forth)

One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm.


The children set off for school.孩子们上学去了。

使爆 炸,引起爆炸 "As a traditional way to celebrate the new year, setting off firecrackers is justifiably welcomed by most Chinese people.""燃放鞭炮,作为一种传统的庆贺新年活动,理所当然地受到大多数中国人民的欢迎。"

引起(突发的动作);导致(突然的活动)The news set off a rush of activity.这消息令人蜂拥而动。


This gold frame sets off your oil painting very well.这个金色镜框把你的油画衬托得很美丽。

set on攻击;袭击;使攻击;使追赶

set to劲头十足地开始做某事,认真地开始做;开始争吵;开始打斗

set up建立(事业);成立(组织);为某人提供 必需品或有用的东西

set up as使自己立业当…;自称为…

set oneself up as a scholar自称为学者

2.set n. 一组,一套a set of golf-clubs一套高尔夫球球杆

集合the set of all numbers greater than 5所有数目均大于五的一个集合


I don't like the set of this coat.我不喜欢这上装的款式。

(运动的)方向;(观点的)趋向,指向 the set of the tide潮水的流向

电器装置;收音机;电视机;〈戏〉布景;大道具;〈电影〉摄影棚;〈网球〉 一局;一盘

幼苗;树秧; 做头发,卷梳头发


make a dead set at联合攻击某人,合伙攻击某人;力图博得(异性的)宠爱

3. set adj.

安放在…的;位于…的 a city set on a hill位于山上的城市

决心的;决定的 He's set going today.他决心今天就走。

不变的;规定的;规定学习的;指定研究的 set books指定书目

固定的,不动的(身体的部分、态度) set eyes一动不动的眼睛

准备好的,有准备的They were at the starting line and all set to begin.他们都在起跑线上,随时可开始。


近义词: adjust arrange fix place position regulate

反义词: rise

魔鬼词典: reset

上三个词 sestertius sestet sestina

下三个词set a beg on horseback and he will ride to the devil. set a boat adrift set a bone


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