

浏览次数: 484次| 发布日期:12-29 13:49:08 | 英语完形填空
标签:英语完形填空练习题大全,英语完形填空及答案,http://www.350xue.com 初中英语完型填空:完型填空专项训练,

I will never forget an accident that happened in my own childhood. When I was a boy of twelve, something happened to me that made me never put any ______ in a cage.

We lived on the edge of a       in South Carolina, and every evening many mockingbirds

would come and rest in the trees and sing. There isn’t any sound that can be      than the song of the mockingbird. I liked listening to the singing of the mockingbird very much.

I decided to catch a young bird and keep it in a cage, and in that way, I could have my

own ________.

I finally caught one and put it in a cage. The bird was      and fluttered (拍翅) about the cage, but finally it became quiet in its new home. I felt pleased with      and looked after my little musician carefully.

On the second day, the bird’s mother flew to the cage with ______ in her mouth. The baby bird ate up      she brought. I was _______ to see this. Certainly his mother knew better than I how to feed her baby.

The following morning when I went to see how my little bird was, I found it on the floor of the cage, dead. I was very surprised! What had happened! I had taken great      of the little bird, or so I thought.

Arthur Wayne, a famous scientist, happened to be in the forest where we lived at the time. Hearing me crying over the      of my bird, he told me what had happened. “A mother mockingbird, finding her young in a _______, will sometimes bring it poison food. She thinks it better for her young to _______ than to live in a cage.”

_____  I never catch any birds or put them in a cage. All the birds have the right to      in the sky .

1. Did the writer like to listen to the mockingbird sing songs?

2. Did the writer catch a mockingbird and looked after it very carefully?

3. Did the baby bird die after her mother came to see her?

4. Why did the mother bird bring her baby poison food?











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