

浏览次数: 942次| 发布日期:12-29 13:49:08 | 初中英语阅读理解
标签:英语阅读理解技巧大全,初三英语阅读理解,http://www.350xue.com 初中英语阅读理解综合试题9,
A Sentence with Five "And"
Can you think of a sentence that the word "and" appears five times, without
any words in between? There is one at the end of this story.
There was once an inn which was called "The Horse and Cart". It had a sign
outside it, and there was a picture of a horse and a cart on it. But the sign
was getting old, so the owner of the inn decided to have a new one made. He
went to a painter and asked him to paint one and to write "The Horse and Cart"
on it in large letters.
A few days later, he went to see how the painter was getting on. He liked
the picture of the horse and cart very much, but he did not like the writing
at all. He said to the painter, "No, no! There's too much room between HORSE
and AND and AND and CART!"

1. An inn is a ____.
A. a small house
B. a small horse
C. a small hotel or place where one can stay
D. a kind of colored liquid that can be used for writing
2. There was a ____ outside the inn.
A. blackboard
B. cart
C. painter
D. sign
3. The owner of the inn decided to ____.
A. sell his inn
B. buy a new sign
C. to paint his inn
D. call a painter to paint a new sign
4. The owner of the inn thought ____.
A. the letters on the sign were too large
B. the letters on the sign were poorly written
C. there were less space between the letters on the sign
D. the letters on the sign were separated too widely
5. The owner liked ____ but not ____.
A. the painter ... the letters
B. the horse ... the letters
C. the picture ... the writing
D. the sign ... the writing

Seeing the Horse Eat Fish
Once an old man was walking in a street with his horse. It was raining hard.
The old man was cold because he was walking in the rain. He wanted to stay in
a restaurant. It was a quarter past three in the afternoon. The old man got
to a small restaurant. There were a lot of people in it. The old man couldn' 
t come near the fire. He thought and thought. At last he said to the waiters,
"Take some fish to my horse." The waiter and the people were very surprised.
The waiter said, "A horse doesn't eat fish." The old man told the waiter, "This
horse is very interesting. It can sing, dance and does all kinds of things.
It can eat fish, too," So the waiter brought the horse some fish.
All the people in the restaurant ran out to see the horse eat fish except
the old man. Now the old man sat beside the fire. After a while the waiter came
back and said. "Your horse didn't eat any fish." The old man said, "All right,
take the fish back and put it on the table. I'll eat it."
Note: stove 火炉 waiter 侍者

1. The old man felt very cold because ____.
A. it was a cloudy and windy day
B. it snowed
C. he had travelled in the heavy rain
D. he was hungry
2. The people in the restaurant all ran out because ____.
A. they wanted to see the old man
B. they wanted to see the horse eating fish
C. they had been told there came the horse
D. there was no fire over the stove
3. Indeed, the horse can neither ____ nor ____ nor ____. 
A. walk ... speak ... eat
B. sing ... dance ... sleep
C. sing ... dance ... eat fish
D. speak ... walk ... sit
4. All the people in the restaurant rushed out ____ but ____.
A. to see the horse sing ... the old man
B. to watch the horse play games ... the waiter
C. to look for the horse ... the old man
D. to see the horse eat fish ... the old man
5. Why did the old man ask the waiter to take some fish to his horse? Because ____.
A. his horse liked eating fish
B. he was cold
C. he wanted to sit by the fire, but wasn't able to do so at first
D. he himself also liked to eat fish


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