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英语短故事 态度决定一切

浏览次数: 268次| 发布日期:12-29 13:48:49 | 轻松学英语
标签:初中英语文章大全,初中英语学习,http://www.350xue.com 英语短故事 态度决定一切,
英语小故事 态度决定一切


  well-known journalists, prospects for an article on the construction of the manuscript and to conduct an interview with a built-up areas.

  When he entered the construction zone, saw a young man is bricklaying. He went to ask him: "Sir, what are you doing?"

  "You did not long eyes, ah, I have it in bricklaying. Under the sun in this great work, really makes can not stand." Said, spitting a mouthful of smear on the ground.

  Journalists are no longer bother him, then go to another place. He also met other young people are bricklaying.

  "Hey, sir, what are you doing ah?"

  "Oh, I built a house, each well-being of the family must have a comfortable house ah!"

  ? Revelation

  Also in bricklaying, a bricklayer that is simple, and the other that the people building new homes. Attitude change of people's views on various things. If a person's attitude

  Good industry for the lack of enthusiasm and love, surely can not achieve success.







英语短故事 态度决定一切

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