英语寓言故事 捕石头的渔夫
浏览次数: 145次| 发布日期:12-29 13:48:49 | 轻松学英语
英语寓言故事 捕石头的渔夫,
Catch stone fisherman捕石头的渔夫
Fisherman who dragnet, feel very heavy, they danced for joy, thinking that this suddenly catch a lot of fish.
the network pulled the shore, net里却full of stones and other things, not a fish.
They are very Yusang, did not catch fish inverted worth mentioning at all uncomfortable with the fact that they expected the opposite is true.
他们中一个年老的渔夫说道:“朋友们,别难过,快乐总与痛苦在一起,她们如同一对姐妹。我们预先快乐过了,现在不得不忍受到一点点痛苦。” One of them elderly fisherman said: "friends, not sadness, joy and pain together total, they like a sister. Advance happy we have, and now had to endure the pain a little bit."
The story is that life is happening, as sometimes sunny skies will suddenly turmoil, not because of setbacks and frustration.
英语寓言故事 捕石头的渔夫
Catch stone fisherman捕石头的渔夫
Fisherman who dragnet, feel very heavy, they danced for joy, thinking that this suddenly catch a lot of fish.
the network pulled the shore, net里却full of stones and other things, not a fish.
They are very Yusang, did not catch fish inverted worth mentioning at all uncomfortable with the fact that they expected the opposite is true.
他们中一个年老的渔夫说道:“朋友们,别难过,快乐总与痛苦在一起,她们如同一对姐妹。我们预先快乐过了,现在不得不忍受到一点点痛苦。” One of them elderly fisherman said: "friends, not sadness, joy and pain together total, they like a sister. Advance happy we have, and now had to endure the pain a little bit."
The story is that life is happening, as sometimes sunny skies will suddenly turmoil, not because of setbacks and frustration.
英语寓言故事 捕石头的渔夫
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