王子复仇记(Hamlet, Prince of Denmark)
浏览次数: 968次| 发布日期:12-29 13:48:49 | 英语小故事
王子复仇记(Hamlet, Prince of Denmark),
The play began. In the play the king and queen were talking on the bench in the beautiful garden. The queen said to the king, "I will love you forever. I will never marry another man if you should die before me. Only women that kill their husbands marry again. " The king in the play was very glad to hear this. As the king fell asleep, the queen left him alone. Just after she left, the king´s brother came near the sleeping king and poured a deadly poison into his ear. He was soon killed by this cunning brother who had long wanted to become king and marry the queen.
Seeing this scene, Claudius turned pale and became very angry. He shouted, "Stop the play at once. " He stood up and went out of the room with the queen.
Horatio and Hamlet saw the king show every sign of fear and anger. Hamlet was now quite sure that the ghost had told him the truth. He himself became excited and firmly decided to revenge his father as soon as he could. When the queen came back into her room, she was very worried about her son, who had made the king furious. She wanted to know why Hamlet asked the group of players to show such a disgraceful play before the king. She sent for Hamlet.
Hamlet hurriedly walked to her room where she was uneasily waiting for him. On the way to his mother´ s room, Hamlet saw Claudius kneeling down to pray in his room. He thought he could kill him right then. But he did not do it. He said to himself, "If I kill him when he is praying to God, he will not go to hell. I had better kill him when he is angry or doing something bad. Then he is sure to go to hell. " So he stopped thinking of killing Claudius for the moment.
Hamlet did not know that the doubting king had commanded Polonius to hide behind the curtains in the queen´ s room so that he could see what might happen there. As soon as Hamlet came into her room, his mother began to scold him for what he had done to the king. She said angrily, "You have made your father very angry. You must beg his pardon."
Hamlet would not listen to her, but answered back. He said, "It is you who are to blame. You married that unkind and unkingly uncle of mine so soon after my father´ s death.
You should be ashamed of your deed. I will never accept him as my father. He does not deserve to be King of Denmark. I will tell you again. It is not I but you and that dirty Claudius that should repent."
哈姆雷特匆忙地走向她的房间,那时她正在房间内不安地等候他。在去他母亲房间的路上,哈姆雷特看到克劳迪斯跪在他的房间内祷告。他心想他现在可以杀了克劳迪斯,但是他并没有这样做。他对自己说:“我若在他向上帝祷告的时候杀了他,他将不会下地狱。我最好在他生气或是做错事的时候杀他,这样他就一定会下地狱。” 于是他此刻先抛开想杀克劳迪斯的念头。
The queen became excited at hearing this and tried to run out of the room. Hamlet grabbed her by the wrist so roughly that she was frightened and cried out, "Are you going to kill me? Help! Help!"
On hearing the queen´ s cry for help, Polonius, who was hiding behind the curtains, also cried, "Hamlet! Don´t hurt the queen. Someone! Help the queen!"
Hamlet shouted, "What is that? A rat?" Thinking that it was Claudius, he drew his sword and rushed to the curtains. The man behind the curtains fell dead. Hamlet was shocked to see the dead body of Polonius, Ophelia´ s father, there.
"Oh, Hamlet. What a cruel thing you have done!" cried the queen in terror.
Hamlet answered, "No, it is not I but you that have done a cruel thing."
Then suddenly, the ghost of his father appeared before them. His mother could neither see nor hear it. It said, "Hamlet, do not harm the queen, because she is your mother; kill Claudius as quickly as possible. Now, Hamlet, get out of this room!"
"Yes, I will, Father," said Hamlet to the ghost. The queen thought that Hamlet was really mad. Hamlet obeyed his father´s advice and left the queen and the dead body of Polonius .
王子复仇记(Hamlet, Prince of Denmark)
The play began. In the play the king and queen were talking on the bench in the beautiful garden. The queen said to the king, "I will love you forever. I will never marry another man if you should die before me. Only women that kill their husbands marry again. " The king in the play was very glad to hear this. As the king fell asleep, the queen left him alone. Just after she left, the king´s brother came near the sleeping king and poured a deadly poison into his ear. He was soon killed by this cunning brother who had long wanted to become king and marry the queen.
Seeing this scene, Claudius turned pale and became very angry. He shouted, "Stop the play at once. " He stood up and went out of the room with the queen.
Horatio and Hamlet saw the king show every sign of fear and anger. Hamlet was now quite sure that the ghost had told him the truth. He himself became excited and firmly decided to revenge his father as soon as he could. When the queen came back into her room, she was very worried about her son, who had made the king furious. She wanted to know why Hamlet asked the group of players to show such a disgraceful play before the king. She sent for Hamlet.
Hamlet hurriedly walked to her room where she was uneasily waiting for him. On the way to his mother´ s room, Hamlet saw Claudius kneeling down to pray in his room. He thought he could kill him right then. But he did not do it. He said to himself, "If I kill him when he is praying to God, he will not go to hell. I had better kill him when he is angry or doing something bad. Then he is sure to go to hell. " So he stopped thinking of killing Claudius for the moment.
Hamlet did not know that the doubting king had commanded Polonius to hide behind the curtains in the queen´ s room so that he could see what might happen there. As soon as Hamlet came into her room, his mother began to scold him for what he had done to the king. She said angrily, "You have made your father very angry. You must beg his pardon."
Hamlet would not listen to her, but answered back. He said, "It is you who are to blame. You married that unkind and unkingly uncle of mine so soon after my father´ s death.
You should be ashamed of your deed. I will never accept him as my father. He does not deserve to be King of Denmark. I will tell you again. It is not I but you and that dirty Claudius that should repent."
哈姆雷特匆忙地走向她的房间,那时她正在房间内不安地等候他。在去他母亲房间的路上,哈姆雷特看到克劳迪斯跪在他的房间内祷告。他心想他现在可以杀了克劳迪斯,但是他并没有这样做。他对自己说:“我若在他向上帝祷告的时候杀了他,他将不会下地狱。我最好在他生气或是做错事的时候杀他,这样他就一定会下地狱。” 于是他此刻先抛开想杀克劳迪斯的念头。
The queen became excited at hearing this and tried to run out of the room. Hamlet grabbed her by the wrist so roughly that she was frightened and cried out, "Are you going to kill me? Help! Help!"
On hearing the queen´ s cry for help, Polonius, who was hiding behind the curtains, also cried, "Hamlet! Don´t hurt the queen. Someone! Help the queen!"
Hamlet shouted, "What is that? A rat?" Thinking that it was Claudius, he drew his sword and rushed to the curtains. The man behind the curtains fell dead. Hamlet was shocked to see the dead body of Polonius, Ophelia´ s father, there.
"Oh, Hamlet. What a cruel thing you have done!" cried the queen in terror.
Hamlet answered, "No, it is not I but you that have done a cruel thing."
Then suddenly, the ghost of his father appeared before them. His mother could neither see nor hear it. It said, "Hamlet, do not harm the queen, because she is your mother; kill Claudius as quickly as possible. Now, Hamlet, get out of this room!"
"Yes, I will, Father," said Hamlet to the ghost. The queen thought that Hamlet was really mad. Hamlet obeyed his father´s advice and left the queen and the dead body of Polonius .
王子复仇记(Hamlet, Prince of Denmark)
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