双语阅读 蜜月的由来
浏览次数: 188次| 发布日期:12-29 13:49:08 | 英语阅读材料
双语阅读 蜜月的由来,
Surprisingly, the honeymoon has been around a lot longer than the ceremony of marriage. In some ancient societies, if a man wanted a woman to be his only love, he would secretly take her from her family's house. The couple would then hide until the family of the woman ceased searching for her. Usually, this took about a month, or one moon cycle. This is where the "moon" part of honeymoon comes from.
The "honey" part refers to mead, a drink that the couple would have while they were hiding. This water and honey mixture was left out in the sun for some time and had a wine-like taste. It was said that if the couple drank mead every day, they were guaranteed to have plenty of children.
In modern times, the honeymoon is right after a wedding. Its purpose is to let a couple spend time alone and relax after the chaotic process of getting married. These vacations usually involve romantic beaches or remote islands. Honeymoons are no longer about hiding out from families. Instead, a wonderful honeymoon is one of the best wedding gifts a family can give a newly married couple.
双语阅读 蜜月的由来
Surprisingly, the honeymoon has been around a lot longer than the ceremony of marriage. In some ancient societies, if a man wanted a woman to be his only love, he would secretly take her from her family's house. The couple would then hide until the family of the woman ceased searching for her. Usually, this took about a month, or one moon cycle. This is where the "moon" part of honeymoon comes from.
The "honey" part refers to mead, a drink that the couple would have while they were hiding. This water and honey mixture was left out in the sun for some time and had a wine-like taste. It was said that if the couple drank mead every day, they were guaranteed to have plenty of children.
In modern times, the honeymoon is right after a wedding. Its purpose is to let a couple spend time alone and relax after the chaotic process of getting married. These vacations usually involve romantic beaches or remote islands. Honeymoons are no longer about hiding out from families. Instead, a wonderful honeymoon is one of the best wedding gifts a family can give a newly married couple.
双语阅读 蜜月的由来
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