英语阅读资料 向胖人征税?
浏览次数: 257次| 发布日期:12-29 13:48:49 | 英语阅读材料
英语阅读资料 向胖人征税?,
Fines Vocabulary and Conditionals 有关罚款的词汇和条件句
The proposal aims to encourage people to be healthy.
If a new idea in America becomes a law, people who suffer from obesity could suffer financially too.
The US state of Arizona wants to charge overweight citizens $50 (325 Yuan) annually if they fail to follow their doctors' advice. People with children or who are overweight because they suffer from a medical condition would be exempt.
If the idea is approved by Congress, smokers and diabetics who fail to stick to a healthy lifestyle will also have to pay.
Medicaid, the organisation which provides healthcare to the poor in the USA, costs the government $339bn (2.2 trillion Yuan) a year. Monica Coury, assistant director at Arizona's Medicaid programme, said that this proposal would ask people to give something back.
She said that Arizona would take a carrot and stick approach to the problem. As well as penalising people who go against their doctor's wishes, incentives would be offered for following advice, possibly a keep-fit video.
Arizona's senator Kyrsten Sinema has not backed the plans, saying that there isn't a system to decide whether someone is or isn't following medical advice. Other critics claim that people don't need the government to look after them; if they want to be fat and smoke, the 'nanny state' shouldn't try to stop them. Wes Benedict of the Libertarian Party said:
"If you want to save the state money... cut Medicaid across the board, but don't single out overweight people and smokers."
Glossary 词汇表
肥胖、肥胖症to charge someone
被豁免的to stick to something
提议to give something back
偿还某物a carrot and stick approach
“胡萝卜加大棒”政策(奖赏与惩罚的政策)to penalise someone
奖励the 'nanny state'
“保姆国家”across the board
全盘地、所有人员都包括在内地to single out
下载地址:A Fat Tax for America 向胖人征税?.mp3
英语阅读资料 向胖人征税?
Fines Vocabulary and Conditionals 有关罚款的词汇和条件句
The proposal aims to encourage people to be healthy.
If a new idea in America becomes a law, people who suffer from obesity could suffer financially too.
The US state of Arizona wants to charge overweight citizens $50 (325 Yuan) annually if they fail to follow their doctors' advice. People with children or who are overweight because they suffer from a medical condition would be exempt.
If the idea is approved by Congress, smokers and diabetics who fail to stick to a healthy lifestyle will also have to pay.
Medicaid, the organisation which provides healthcare to the poor in the USA, costs the government $339bn (2.2 trillion Yuan) a year. Monica Coury, assistant director at Arizona's Medicaid programme, said that this proposal would ask people to give something back.
She said that Arizona would take a carrot and stick approach to the problem. As well as penalising people who go against their doctor's wishes, incentives would be offered for following advice, possibly a keep-fit video.
Arizona's senator Kyrsten Sinema has not backed the plans, saying that there isn't a system to decide whether someone is or isn't following medical advice. Other critics claim that people don't need the government to look after them; if they want to be fat and smoke, the 'nanny state' shouldn't try to stop them. Wes Benedict of the Libertarian Party said:
"If you want to save the state money... cut Medicaid across the board, but don't single out overweight people and smokers."
Glossary 词汇表
肥胖、肥胖症to charge someone
被豁免的to stick to something
提议to give something back
偿还某物a carrot and stick approach
“胡萝卜加大棒”政策(奖赏与惩罚的政策)to penalise someone
奖励the 'nanny state'
“保姆国家”across the board
全盘地、所有人员都包括在内地to single out
下载地址:A Fat Tax for America 向胖人征税?.mp3
英语阅读资料 向胖人征税?
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