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九年级英语第四单元What were they doing?

浏览次数: 818次| 发布日期:06-12 13:09:31 | 九年级英语教案
标签:人教版九年级英语教案,初中英语教案,牛津初中英语教案,http://www.350xue.com 九年级英语第四单元What were they doing?,

T: What did the man upstairs always do when he came home every night?

S3:The man upstairs always took off his shoes and threw them on the floor.

S0:The man lived in a tall building in the city of Moscow. He liked living there because it was usually very quiet and he could see the park from his window.The man upstairs always took off his shoes and threw them on the floor.

扮演S0的角色,一次可以是一个人;可以是一个组;也可以是班上其他学生。刚开始练习时,问题不宜一次提得过多,三至五个即可,逐步过渡。此外,较难回答的问题要注意修改,通常不使用一般疑问句(除非学生掌握更灵活的方法 注)。






四、 难点讲解

1.the man upstairs 楼上的人

the man downstairs 楼下的人

upstairs和downstairs都是副词,用来修饰前面的名词the man。当副词用作定语修饰名词时,一般要放在被修饰的名词之后。例如:On his journey home,he made a lot of friends.在回家的旅途中,他交了很多朋友。(句中home是副词)

Look at the photo above.请看上面的照片。(句中above是副词)

2.He liked living there.他喜欢住在那里。

作为动词,like后既可接动词不定式也可接动名词,但在意义上有细微差异。Like to do 表示的是具体的动作,往往有特定的场合;而like doing是抽象意义,表示习惯性动作。例如:

I like walking in the evening.我爱在傍晚散步。

I like to walk in the evening.我喜欢傍晚去散步。

I like playing basketball.我喜欢打篮球。

I like to play basketball.我现在想去打篮球。

3.He found it very difficult to get to sleep and he was very unhappy.他发现难以入睡,很不高兴。

句中的it是形式上的宾语,而真正的宾语是动词不定式短语to get to sleep。It作形式宾语时,句子结构往往是:主语+谓语+it+宾语补足语+真正宾语。除动词不定式以外,that 引导的从句也常作真正宾语。这时,句中谓语动词往往是find, think, make, believe等。例如:

Do you think it right to play tricks on others?你觉得开别人的玩笑好吗?

He thought it best to say nothing.他觉得最好是什么也不说。

I make it a rule that I should spend at least two hours learning English every day。每天至少花两小时学英语是我的规律。

get to sleep 是“入睡”的意思。动词get有“渐渐”的含义。例如:

We got to know each other later.后来我们逐渐相互了解了。

When winter comes,the nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter.冬天来临,夜晚变长,白天变短。

4.With a smile the man from downstairs said,“I′m sorry to trouble you, comrade.”楼下的人微笑着说:“对不起,同志,打扰一下。”

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句中with a smile是介词短语,在句子里用作状语,表明楼下的人说话时的伴随状态。介词短语用作状语的情况很多,再如:

Thank you for teaching us so well.谢谢您把我们教得这样好。

Classes begin at eight.八点开始上课。

5.He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door.他刚睡着,就有人大声敲门。

fall asleep是“睡着”的意思。asleep是形容词,接在连系动词fall之后。句中when等于and then,意思是:那时。再如:He was walking in the park when he saw a watch on the ground.他正在公园里行走,看见地上有一块手表。

第十五课 Lesson Fifteen

一、 教学内容



二、 教具


三、 课堂教学设计

1.复习 值日生报告。检查学生复述课文。


S1:What were you doing last night?

S2: I was watching TV.

S1:(面向全班)What was he/she doing alst night?

S2:He/She was watching TV.


Chain practice(连锁式练习)由学生甲向学生乙提问,乙回答后,再向学生丙提问。后面的学生在回答问题时,不能重复已答过的内容。例如:

S1:What were you doing at five yesterday afternoon?

S2: I was playing basketball. What were you doing at five yesterday afternoon?

S3: I was cleaning the classroom. What about you?

Pair work(结对活动)教师设定一个题目:What were your family members doing at 7:30 yesterday evening?


At 7:30 yesterday evening Li Ming′s father was reading a newspaper;his mother was washing clothes; his grandma was watching TV and Li Ming was doing his homework.





四、 难点讲解

at noon 在中午

一般说来,表示“在某一时刻”,用at。例如:He got up at 7:30.他七点半起床。

这种用法也包括“在拂晓”at daybreak;“在中午”at noon;“在傍晚”at sunset;

“在吃饭时间”at dinner-time等。表示“在夜晚”,用at night。


1)He often takes a walk in the park on Sundays.星期天他经常到公园去散步。

2)She was born on December 23,1981.她出生于1981年12月23日。


in the morning 在上午 in the afternoon 在下午in the evening 在晚上

in the week/month/season/year,etc.在本周、本月、本季度、本年等。


They held the sports meeting on the afternoon of June 15.他们在6月15日下午举行了运动会。

We′ll have a party on Saturday night.我们将在周六晚上举行一次晚会。

第十六课 Lesson Sixteen

一、 教学内容



二、 教具

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九年级英语第四单元What were they doing?

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