

浏览次数: 639次| 发布日期:12-29 13:47:55 | 谚语语录
标签:谚语大全,关于天气的谚语,英语谚语,http://www.350xue.com 廊桥遗梦经典对白,

Francesca: And how long are you here for?

Robert: Well, I don't know.Maybe four or five days.A week in the outside as long as it fakes to get the work done.Where's your family?

Francesca: My husband took the kids to the Illinois State Fair.

My daughter's entering a prize steer.

Robert: How old?

Francesca: A year and a half.

Robert: No, I meant your kids.

Francesca: Oh.Michael's 17 and Carolyn's 16.

Robert: Must be nice to have kids.

Francesca: Yes.But they're not kids any more.Things change.

Robert: They always do.One of the laws of Nature.Most people are afraid of change.But if you look at it like it's something you can always count on,and it can be a comfort.There is not many things you can barely count on.

Francesca: Yeah.I guess.I'm one of those people that it frightens.

Robert: I doubt that.

Francesca: Why do you say that?

Robert: Oh, from Italy to Iowa.It's a big change.

Francesca: No, but Richard was in the army then.I met him when I was living in Naples.I didn't know anything about Iowa.I just cared that it was America.And of course,being with Richard.

Robert: What's he like?

Francesca: He's very clean and...

Robert: Clean?

Francesca: Yeah.No.I mean, he's other things,too.He's a very hard worker.Very caring, honest.He's gentle.He's a good father.

Robert: And clean.

Francesca: Yes.

Robert: And you like living in Iowa,I guess so?

Francesca: Uh...Uh...

Robert: Go ahead.I'm not gonna tell anyone.

Francesca: I am supposed to say,oh it's just fine,it's quiet,the people are real nice,and all that is true,mostly.It is quiet,and people are nice in certain ways.You know we all help each other out.Someone gets sick or hurt,all the neighbors come in and they pick the cornor harvest the oats or whatever...If it's in town,you going to town you can leave your car unlockedand let the kids run around,don't worry about them.There're a lot of nice things about the people here.And I respect them for these qualities.But...

Robert: But?

Francesca: No, it's not what I dreamed of as a girl.

Robert: You know I scribbled something down the other day—I often do that when I am on the road.Come goes like this: “The old dreams or good dreams,they didn't work out but I had them.”I don't know that all that means but you are supposed to use it someday.Anyway, I think I know how you feel.

Francesca: Would you like to stay for dinner?There's not much of a choice in town. And you'd have to eat alone. So would I.

Robert: Yes, I'd like that.I'd like that.Yes.I don't eat the home-cooked meal too often.I'd like that a lot.

Francesca: OK.


1楼 21英语广西南宁市网友 2010-11-06 11:32:49
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