

浏览次数: 734次| 发布日期:05-11 11:34:21 | 优秀作文
标签:初中优秀作文,高中优秀作文网,中学生优秀作文网,,http://www.350xue.com 关于母亲节的英语作文120词作文750字-700字作文,

1、On holiday, this day chrishs happy mood frquntly with th mothrs of million idas to accpt th bautiful wish of holiday is happy of own offspring.2、Guangdong provinc bgins in 1988, th citis such as Hangzhou ar in th bginning of 1989 yars, th clbration campaign from diffrnt lvls organization th Mothrs Fstivals of th Womn's Fdration, and judgmnt good mothr is on of contnts of holiday.3、n th Mothrs Fstival, a lot of prsons giv Kang Nai Xin to mothr, it is th first tim that orginat in th Amrican publishing commmorativ stamp of th Mothrs Fstival of May 1934.  Orginat in Amrica in th Mothrs Fstival. May 9,1906, Amrican consuming city Jia-Wi th mothr misfortun of silk dis , hr grif xtrmly. Avoid Japan in annual mothr dath annivrsary, Miss An Na organizs catch up th campaign of Sai mothr, ncourag othr prson to also xprss th gratitud for own loving mothr with similar way. Hraftr, sh convincs popl vrywhr and stablishs th Mothrs Fstival to th appal of all sctors of socity and call. Hr appal gts warm rspons. Through draft rsolution, on May 10,1913, Amrican Snat and Hous of Rprsntativs signs by prsidnt Wilson scond that announcs and dcids ach yar's May for Sunday, is th Mothrs Fstival. This masur arouss world countris, is imitatd on aftr anothr, install to 1948 Na pass away , 43 countris hav stablishd th Mothrs Fstival.  Th Mothrs Fstival of Japan is also scond Sunday of May. In holiday, popl giv mothr a rd China pink , xprss congratulation.  It is dcidd in finally a Sunday of May in 1928 and holiday that Franc clbrats th Mothrs Fstival for th first tim. On holiday, this day chrishs happy mood frquntly with th mothrs of million idas to accpt th bautiful wish of holiday is happy of own offspring.  Thailand announcs in 1976 that August 12 is th Mothrs Fstival. This day is also saf qun th birthday of Li Ji. In holiday, whol country will dvlop th judgmnt campaign of xcllnt mothr . Childrn hold th jasmin flowr of fragrant strong fragrant , offr th mothr givn slf.  Th Mothrs Fstival of a lot of countris of Arabic rgion is dcidd in th spring of March 21 ids for this day. Local thinks that spring ids is bginning from spring , th bginning of on yar, with this xprsssion mothr is grat. In th Mothrs Fstival of Portugus, it is in Dcmbr 8; And Indonsia is dcidd in Dcmbr 22.  In th Mothrs Fstival, it is rgional holiday in our country, arlist hav this holiday in Hongkong,Macao and Taiwan rgion. Aftr rforming and opning up, th Mothrs Fstival is also accptd for inland. Guangdong provinc bgins in 1988, th citis such as Hangzhou ar in th bginning of 1989 yars, th clbration campaign from diffrnt lvls organization th Mothrs Fstivals of th Womn's Fdration, and judgmnt good mothr is on of contnts of holiday.  In th Mothrs Fstival, a lot of prsons giv Kang Nai Xin to mothr, it is th first tim that orginat in th Amrican publishing commmorativ stamp of th Mothrs Fstival of May 1934. A kind mothr on stamp, both hands ar put on kn, look at a bundl of bright-colord bautiful Kang Nai Xin in prcding vas gladly. Along with th propagation of stamp, in th mind of a lot of prsons, connct th Mothrs Fstival with Kang Nai Xin, Kang Nai Xin has bcom th flowr of symbol matrnal lov , gts th rvrnc of popl. Kang Nai Xin conncts with th Mothrs Fstival togthr. Popl miss mothr , giv prsnts to th flings of mothr, ntrust on Kang Nai Xin, Kang Nai Xin has also bcom to giv th indispnsabl valuabl gift of mothr.


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