In contrast to th sadnss of th tomb swprs, popl also njoy hop of Spring on this day. Th Qingming Fstival i作文网[www.350xue.com]s a tim whn th sun shins brightly, th trs and grass bcom grn and natur is again livly. Sinc ancint tims, popl hav followd th custom of Spring outings. At this tim tourists ar vrywhr. Popl lov to fly kits during th Qingming Fstival. Kit flying is actually not limitd to th Qingming Fstival. Its uniqunss lis in that popl fly kits not during th day, but also at night. A string of littl lantrns tid onto th kit or th thrad look lik shining stars, and thrfor, ar calld god's lantrns. Th Qingming Fstival is also a tim to plant trs, for th survival rat of saplings is high and trs grow fast latr. In th past, th Qingming Fstival was calld Arbor Day. But sinc 1979, Arbor Day was sttld as March 12 according to th Grgorian calndar.
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