

浏览次数: 864次| 发布日期:12-29 13:49:41 | 演讲交际
标签:演讲交际大全,演讲交际技巧,http://www.350xue.com 江泽民新年贺词,

Chinese President Gives New Year's Speech
Make Joint Efforts to Promote World Peace
and Development
中华人民共和国主席 江泽民














The first year of the new century has now passed. In this year, Chinese people of all ethnic groups made great achievements in many areas. China continued to follow the Opening Up and Reform Policy, it maintained its commitment to the principle of enlarging domestic demand, and has promoted economic restructuring and development of the western region. China's economy has maintained a consistent growth rate while the world's economic growth has slowed down. China has also made progress in other areas, such as promoting social ethics and the rule of law. All these achievements have shown that China has made a good start with its social and economic development at the beginning of the new century.

The Communist Party of China and the Chinese people celebrated the 80th birthday of the Party in 2001. Reviewing the history and summing up its experiences, China is determined to carry out the “Three Representations”, and firmly continue its way of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

2001 has seen China become a formal member of the World Trade Organization. This indicates that China's Opening and Reform Process has entered a new stage. China will become further involved in international economic cooperation and competition, developing mutually beneficial economic relations with all the countries and regions in the world, and work for world prosperity.

Beijing this year won the right to host the 2008 summer Olympics. Hosting the Olympic Games in the world's most populous country will definitely promote the world Olympic movement and exchanges between the world's peoples. The Chinese government fully supports Beijing's efforts to ensure the success of the Games.

Also this year, the 9th informal summit of APEC leaders was successfully held in Shanghai. The leaders discussed economic cooperation and development. This strengthened the APEC member economies' confidence in dealing with the current economic difficulties.

Promoting peace and development is still the common wish of all people in the world for the New Year. Peace is a precondition to world prosperity. The Chinese people love peace, and China's development needs a peaceful environment. China will continue its independent and peaceful foreign policy. It will work together with all people for a fair and just international political and economic order. This will lead to a peaceful and progressive new world.

While peace and development is still the focus of the time, there are new unstable factors calling for the concern of all people. Poverty, conflict and wars are spreading in some regions and terrorism has posed a new grave threat to world peace and safety. China has always opposed terrorism in any form. China is willing to work with all countries and regions in the world, to bring the role of the United Nations into full play, in the fight against terrorism.

World polarization, economic globalization and the fast development of science and technology have brought rare opportunities. However, many developing countries have not benefited from them. They are facing great difficulties. As a developing country, China is willing to help with the development of other countries and the efforts to eliminate world poverty and famine while at the same time developing itself.

In the new year, China will still focus on its overall social and economic development. Powered by further opening up and reform and advancement in science and technology, it will continue to take on economic restructuring as a main task, and to raise the people's living standard as its ultimate purpose.

In the new year, the Chinese people will continue their efforts for the country's reunification by adhering to the principle of “peaceful reunification, one country two systems” and the eight points of promoting exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and the peaceful reunification I put forward in 1995.

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