英语故事 都是和尚,两种生活态度
浏览次数: 396次| 发布日期:12-29 13:48:49 | 英语小故事
英语故事 都是和尚,两种生活态度,
Thus have I heard, the below poignant and hilarious accounts are based on actual concurrent incidents… The old abbot of a temple had a terrible toothache.So bad was it that it was debilitating…affecting his nerves literally.The hospital stay was humbling to him. 根据的我听说的,下面讲的辛酸和滑稽的故事是建立在同时发生的真实事件上的。 一个寺院里的一个老和尚 的牙痛得很厉害。疼得如此厉害,以至于使老和尚虚弱……如字面所说,折磨他的神经。在住院期间,他感到自我的卑微。 It made him reflect about the importance of spiritual cultivation before his time in this life ran out.He wanted to practice well. 这使得他反思到在他此生的生命结束之前精神修养的重要性。他想更好地修行。 A young disciple of the abbot had a terrible stroke.So bad was it that it was debilitating…affecting his nerves literally.The hospital stay was boring to him.It made him reflect about the importance of entertainment before his time in this hospital ran out.He wanted a video game. 这个老和尚的一个年轻的弟子有过一次很严重的中风。如此严重,也使该弟子虚弱……也如字面所说,折磨他的神经。但是在住院期间,他感到很无聊。这使他发现在他出院之前娱乐是多么地重要。他想玩电子游戏。
英语故事 都是和尚,两种生活态度
Thus have I heard, the below poignant and hilarious accounts are based on actual concurrent incidents… The old abbot of a temple had a terrible toothache.So bad was it that it was debilitating…affecting his nerves literally.The hospital stay was humbling to him. 根据的我听说的,下面讲的辛酸和滑稽的故事是建立在同时发生的真实事件上的。 一个寺院里的一个老和尚 的牙痛得很厉害。疼得如此厉害,以至于使老和尚虚弱……如字面所说,折磨他的神经。在住院期间,他感到自我的卑微。 It made him reflect about the importance of spiritual cultivation before his time in this life ran out.He wanted to practice well. 这使得他反思到在他此生的生命结束之前精神修养的重要性。他想更好地修行。 A young disciple of the abbot had a terrible stroke.So bad was it that it was debilitating…affecting his nerves literally.The hospital stay was boring to him.It made him reflect about the importance of entertainment before his time in this hospital ran out.He wanted a video game. 这个老和尚的一个年轻的弟子有过一次很严重的中风。如此严重,也使该弟子虚弱……也如字面所说,折磨他的神经。但是在住院期间,他感到很无聊。这使他发现在他出院之前娱乐是多么地重要。他想玩电子游戏。
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