英语故事 小矮人的故事
• In ancient Greece in Cyprus during the period, there was a castle where a group of dwarves closed. They are legends because of the terrible curse of the curse, and was isolated to this place. They can not find anyone who can help, no food, no water, more and more desperate the Seven Dwarfs.
• People did not think small dwarf, this is a test of their gods, on the unity, wisdom, knowledge, cooperation test.
• gods hope that through this test, small dwarf people to realize the following reason:
• IT does not mean that knowledge.
• sharing, Chung Gap and knowledge into action is the key to the outcome.
• through effective management of knowledge, and ultimately will become productive.
• Dwarfs, the Archimedes was the first to receive the dream of the patron saint of Athena. Athena told him that in this castle, in addition to that they spent between damp storage room, the other 25 rooms, there is a room with some honey and water, enough to maintain them some time; while in other The 24 rooms have stone, of which 240 Lingshi red roses, this collection of 240 Lingshi, and they formed the shape of a circle, a terrible curse will be lifted, they will be able to escape from bad luck , return to their homes.
• The next day, Archimedes could not wait to tell this dream to the six other partners, the other four individuals are reluctant to believe that only Alice and Socrates is willing to work hard with him. The beginning of days, Alice would like to find some fire wood, so that heating can also allow some room light; Socrates would like to go to the food room; and Archimedes would like to quickly Lingshi找齐to 240, so hurry up and let the lifting spell; three views can not be unified, so decided to find their own, but a few days down, three people do not have results, but consumption was exhausted, and made four other teasing about individuals.
• However, three did not give up, to make them aware of the failure should be together. They decided to first find out where the fire, find food, and finally find Lingshi together. This is a way to come true, the three soon left the second room to find a great deal of honey and water.
英语故事 小矮人的故事
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