浏览次数: 908次| 发布日期:12-29 13:48:49 | 英语小故事
On my way home from sending my son to school at 7:30 in the morning the day before yesterday, a roadside vendor nearby my living community was selling fruits on his truck. Just I hinted him to buy some, immediately I was aware of no money with me, for I 've forgotten to take my wallet. I said sorry to him and told this fact. He handed me a plastic bag and told me to pick the best fruits I want, while asking me whether I lived nearby and the money could be given the next morning. I promised him half an hour I would bring him the money.
I bought some pears and oranges, cost 9 Yuan in total. But when I returned half an hour later, the vendor had left. So did yesterday morning as I was too late to go there for his money. This morning I once again prepare 9 Yuan to look for him, he stayed there. But when I handed 9 Yuan to him, he took a hesitance and asked why. Only after I had explained it did he recall the small thing.
The young vendor is from Anhui province, not our local businessman. But he has faith in strangers, and I have been proven honest.
Both Trust and honest are the most needed in our society, aren’t they ?
On my way home from sending my son to school at 7:30 in the morning the day before yesterday, a roadside vendor nearby my living community was selling fruits on his truck. Just I hinted him to buy some, immediately I was aware of no money with me, for I 've forgotten to take my wallet. I said sorry to him and told this fact. He handed me a plastic bag and told me to pick the best fruits I want, while asking me whether I lived nearby and the money could be given the next morning. I promised him half an hour I would bring him the money.
I bought some pears and oranges, cost 9 Yuan in total. But when I returned half an hour later, the vendor had left. So did yesterday morning as I was too late to go there for his money. This morning I once again prepare 9 Yuan to look for him, he stayed there. But when I handed 9 Yuan to him, he took a hesitance and asked why. Only after I had explained it did he recall the small thing.
The young vendor is from Anhui province, not our local businessman. But he has faith in strangers, and I have been proven honest.
Both Trust and honest are the most needed in our society, aren’t they ?
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